Expert ELT XP-11

Expert ELT XP-11

Electro lymphatic drainage therapy is the treatment to painlessly break down the congestion throughout the body to remove thick and stagnant lymph that is holding onto metabolic and toxic waste. This energy moves through the tissue and has ability to flush pathogens such as viruses ,bacteria, parasite into the lymph channel.

A healthy person’s red blood cells already have this negative ions allowing them to smoothly move through the body. With increased blood acidity from our diets, many electrical and digital devices use, we tend to lose this protective negative ion

After doing the treatment, lymphatic fluid is broken down by energy, it becomes thinner in nature .It  is moved along the lymphatic channel and the body then eliminates the waste through detox organs like liver,kidney and skin.

Results and Advantages

1. Improved Lymphatic Function: ELT helps to stimulate the lymphatic system, improving its function and flow. This can help to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain in the body.

2. Detoxification: ELT can help to remove toxins and waste products from the body, which can improve overall health and wellness.

3. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: ELT uses gentle electrical currents to stimulate the lymphatic system, which can promote relaxation and reduce stress. This can have a positive impact on both physical and mental health.