NK Cell

NK Cell

NK Cell or Natural Killer Cell is a type of white blood cell in our body's immune system and help keep us healthy.

It is like a military force capable of destroying foreign matter that enters our body which includes viruses, bacteria, protozoa, as well as different types of cancer nodules. NK cells perform the best among other white blood cells. When there are any abnormal cells or foreign matter.             

NK Cell will release enzymes to eliminate them immediately. If there are any cells that appear to be dangerous or unusual, the “soldiers” will go in and take care of them. The more “soldiers” there are, the better the body’s immune functions are. That means, anyone with a low NK Cell count is at risk of getting infections or at higher risk of getting cancer.

Results and Advantages

1. Enhanced Immune System: NK cell therapy can significantly boost the immune system's ability to fight infections and diseases. It plays a critical role in identifying and destroying abnormal cells in the body, including cancer cells.

2. Improved Quality of Life: NK cell therapy include reduced symptoms, such as fatigue and pain, as well as a greater sense of well-being and improved mood. This effective therapy helps patients avoid more invasive and potentially harmful treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation.

3. Personalized Treatment: we take into account each patient's unique health needs and medical history to develop a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your specific condition.